Get to know us better
Founded in 2020 with a mission to connect the top 1% of developers with companies needing top-quality software solutions.
Since then we've been working on perfecting our hiring process. Based on three crucial steps of planning, recruitment, and employee selection we managed to find the best of the best talents and gather them here to help your company reach the success
Years experience in recruitment
on board
Development teams
Thriving projects
Our talented developers have been making us proud on every assignment they got.
One of the most significant advantages of outsourcing is the ability to tap into top talent worldwide, without being limited by the engineer's geographical location.
We've got
so many kind words
We've been
recognized by many
Best UX Design award 2022
Design masters
Digital Innovation 2022
Design masters
Fast & SEO
Design masters
Users choice award 2022
Design masters
Yes. We cover
your tech stack.
Our team has expertise in almost every programming language.
How do we hire
Job Application
Each year, we get over 10,000 applications. We assign each candidate to the most suitable available roles we currently have or may have in the near future after carefully reviewing their profiles and applying a special set of algorithms.

Online Tests
After the applicant engineers have been tracked for a position, we send out online exams that are matched to their particular skills along with required English and soft skills. Depending on the applicant's desired function and appropriate experience, we may apply a variety of examinations.1

HR Interview
If the candidate passes the exams, our HR staff performs a series of interviews with them to determine whether they will be a good fit for Romba and our clients based on their personality, communication skills, and level of dedication.

Technical Interview
The last stage before employment involves a thorough examination. During this phase, they pose highly detailed inquiries regarding the potential projects the candidate could be involved in, which may involve real-time problem-solving.